Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mr. Christmas Puggle!

A CHRISTMAS PUPPY! Ok...we all know....I am not a "puppy kind of girl"....with that being said....We got a Puppy! Chase and Macy begged for this little Puggle for a week. Macy's little sister Sable got the puppy's sister....Ruby! I have to admit...he is adorable, but we shall see how it goes....he already has had one accident! Meet little Hef!


  1. Puggles Rock! Come hang out with the puggle posse sometime on the blog.

    Get a puggle ornament too.

    Puggle advice: Don't let him ever walk ahead of you as a puppy on leash. Puggles pull really bad. Better to train um' while they are little. Also, if you start as a puppy, you can litter box train them if you use the larger dog litter box. We use Yesterday News for litter. If not, they dig in it.
