Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy 1st Valentines Day Cutler!

We finally got to celebrate Valentines Day with Cutler Tuesday night....we were all busy Sunday and then the snow storm hit and the little guy couldn't get out here! We had cookies and cupcakes.....hope he didn't go home with a belly ache! He is so sweet and pleasant to have around!

Scrapping in the Snow!

With all of the snow and our many snow days...I have found myself addicted to the computer and scrapbooking! I have had so much fun organizing my pictures and trying new things! This is something that is always hard to find the time to do. And of course I have many things I should be doing...but it has been fun to curl up on the couch with blankets, watch old scary movies, watch it snow, eat, eat, eat, and work on my scrapbooks! Sorry you Arizonians....you haven't experienced a day like that! Who am I kidding, I would trade you any day! But hey, you have to make the best of what life gives you!