Levi and Josiah were home over the weekend, so I gave them their Valentine Gifts early! Josiah had called me a couple of weeks ago and asked me if I had a debit card? I said yes, why??? He said I really want a Colts Jersey, can you buy me one? I tried to explain that is a special gift for Christmas or Birthdays....not just a Sunday gift! But it didn't take me long to get online and order him one! Luckily they were on clearance since the Colts are out of it and I got 2 for 1 !!!!

For Christmas I bought Levi and Josiah Bengals Uniforms....since they live 10 minutes from Cincy....Cutler loved the Helmets, I didn't think he was old enough, but he sure thought he was! So Cutler got an Early Valentine/I really don't want a baby Brother Gift! He loves his Colts uniform!

Got a little Colts/Bengals action going on! They are in their Huddle! Josiah, the boss, benched Cutler a couple of times for not following the rules....Cutler would take off his helmet and sit on the couch and wait to be brought back into the game!

Cutler know just what to do!

Run.....he is just waiting to tackle!

Had such a fun weekend with the boys! I had a full house, both of my boys were home and 3 more added to that! Cutler decided he wanted to spend the night with Levi & Josiah. Now that he is the BIG Brother....he wants to play with the Big kids! I think he was happy to get away and go play for awhile, not think about the baby and poopie diapers!