OUR VOYAGE ON LAKE MONROE....well, that didn't turn out so well! After a 100 degree day of golf....Shauna and I had the bright idea to head to the lake and take an evening ride on her boat! So we pack the kids up and head north to Lake Monroe. We get the cover off and head out...we are barely out in the idle zone and the boat dies! Oh NO! We try to put our heads together....Shauna and I together don't usually make a full head...but at least we had the voice of reason along....CHASE! We called Shauna's husband at work and he talked Chase through what to do...with some duct tape and a little work Chase got us running again! However, while we were floating out there, a storm started brewing! It was thundering and lightning...we decided to get the boat back in the slip and head to the clubhouse for the Pasta Bar! Always an adventure with us!