I am not sure what these rooms were used for , but I told the kids they were torture chambers where they cut off the enemies heads! It was a good story!
Macy Nikirk, Julie, and Sable
Ken and Matt hunkering down in the trench!
Ken and Matt hunkering down in the trench!
Holding the anchor!
We just may buy this house...so we got out and took a picture like we belonged there! Not really, if I moved I am headed west!
Matt and Chase went against the black and white!
Matt and Chase went against the black and white!
Cool breezy evening!
Black and White night!
A few "throwed Rolls"!
My new purse!
I am not sure if you are all familiar with Lambert's, but this is the home of the "Throwed Rolls" Fun and awesome food! They bring you tons of greasy fried food while you wait on your meals. They throw a few rolls at you while you wait also! They asked Chase to help wait tables!
Hot tub time!
Black and White night!
A few "throwed Rolls"!
My new purse!
I am not sure if you are all familiar with Lambert's, but this is the home of the "Throwed Rolls" Fun and awesome food! They bring you tons of greasy fried food while you wait on your meals. They throw a few rolls at you while you wait also! They asked Chase to help wait tables!
Hot tub time!
Cool and Breezy day on Sunday! The weather is supposed to warm up to 75 and sunny! Can't wait ! We are having an awesome trip! So good to get away and relax!