Saturday, June 27, 2009

Steve's Early 4th of July Party!

Happy early 4th of July! My Cousin Steve and I!


Cody and Amanda

Amanda and Issac

Steve and Cody preparing for the firework display!

It is almost dark...time for the big show!

Amanda and Debbie

Debbie and Steve in their wifebeaters!

Julie, Chance, and Matt...Chase skipped out early!

Cody and his girlfriend

An Amazing cousin Steve did an amazing job of hosting his annual 4th of July party Saturday night! He loves doing this so much. He grilled chicken and friends and family came for a pitch in and firework display! We played volleyball...cornhole...and had a wonderful time visiting with everyone! Just at dark...Steve began his amazing show with help from Cody! We watched the beautiful firework show for over an hour....lots of time and $$$$ went into this! Thank you so much Steve for doing this !!!!! We love you!